Governor's Mansion State Historic Park
CaliforniaŐs executive mansion, popularly known at the GovernorŐs Mansion, was built in 1877 for Albert and Clemenza Gallatin. Albert was a partner in the Sacramento hardware store of Huntington & Hopkins. The State of California purchased the house from Joseph and Louisa Steffens to use as a home for CaliforniaŐs first families in 1903 for $32,500. Victorian architecture was somewhat out of style by then, but the house was suitably impressive, conveniently located, and comfortable. TodayŐs guests see marble fireplaces from Italy, gold framed mirrors from France, and exquisitely handcrafted hinges and doorknobs, all of which are reminders of the Gallatins and the Victorian era. Outside some of the MansionŐs abundant vegetation includes flowers, shrubs, and trees dating back to 1877. But when visitors look behind the grape stake fence and see Governor BrownŐs swimming pool built in 1959, they are reminded that the GovernorŐs Mansion State Historic Park is really a walk through time.